News Release: Live Counter Tallies Cost to Consumers as Big Banks Block Credit Card Late Fee Cap

A cap on junk fees could have saved consumers billions. Now, opposition from big Wall Street banks is costing consumers $317 each and every second.

Today, Americans for Financial Reform is launching the Wall Street Ripoff Counter that tallies the money consumers have lost since big banks managed to block a new consumer protection limiting credit card late fees in court.

Letters to Congress: AFR Leads 25-Organization Letter Opposing Broad-Brush Congressional Attack on Federal Support for Homeownership, Small Businesses, and Family Farms

AFR and consumer, community, small business, and farm advocates sent a letter to the House Oversight and Accountability urging them to oppose legislation that aims to privatize federal loan guarantee programs. This measure would be a big win for Wall Street but reduce access, raise costs, and exacerbate racial gaps in homeownership rates, small business formation, and family farm viability.