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Sherman Amendment Letter of Support

House Financial Services Committee 2129 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C.  20515 November 17, 2009 Dear Chairman Frank, Ranking Member Bachus, and Members of the Committee, As members of Americans for Financial Reform, a coalition of nearly 200 consumer, employee, investor, community and civil rights

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Roll Call: Financial Lobbyists Man the Battle Stations

Americans for Financial Reform appeared in this Roll Call article.  Excerpt: Consumer advocates are counting on Dodd to help push back on industry’s attempt to narrow reform. Groups such as Americans for Financial Reform have already started reaching out to the Banking panel’s staff to

Goldman Sachs Protest Slideshow

National People’s Action and Service Employees International Union (SEIU) organized hundreds of taxpayers to converge on the Washington headquarters of Goldman Sachs on November 16 to demand an end to multi-billion dollar bonuses and the Too Big To Fail Doctrine and call for immediate Congressional

AFR Supports Overdraft Lending Reform

Americans for Financial Reform and our partners sent these letters (House, Senate, both links are PDFs) to Congress stating our strong support for overdraft reform.  New bills introduced in the House and Senate take dramatic steps to protect consumers from sneaky overdraft loans.  You can

NOW on PBS: Elizabeth Warren on the Economy

What exactly is going on with the economy? Stocks are up and big bonuses are back, but while they’re throwing parties on Wall Street, there’s pain on Main Street. One out of every six workers is unemployed or underemployed, according to government statistics – the

Cheer on Reform at a Debate This Tuesday 11/17

On Tuesday November 17, Damon Silvers of the AFL-CIO will debate Ed Yingling of the American Bankers Association about how best to reform America’s financial system.  The event will be hosted by the Aspen Institute: Moderated by President and CEO of the Aspen Institute, Walter

Activists Tell American Bankers Association, “Enough is Enough!”

Chicago Showdown It was a Showdown in Chicago! Organized by National People’s Action, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and a coalition of organizations from across the nation, thousands of people fed-up with outrageous bank fees, sky-rocketing credit card interest rates, and a shameful national foreclosure

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Cantwell’s Legislation Is A Large Step In Right Direction on Derivatives; Congress Needs Make Sure All Such Transactions Are Regulated either at the state or federal level

DATE: November 10, 2009 Heather Booth, Director, Americans for Financial Reform: “Americans for Financial Reform (AFR), and our over 200 coalition partners, thank Senator Cantwell for introducing legislation today to close the derivatives loophole. Senator Cantwell calls the derivatives “a sophisticated form of gambling,” with