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San Francisco Protests Wells Fargo

On Dec. 17, SEIU and community groups gathered on the doorstep of Wells Fargo in downtown San Francisco to protest the banks the week that they announced billions in year-end bonuses. Watch as leaders from the Contra Costa Interfaith Supporting Community Organization deliver a letter

What Caused the Crisis at AIG?

US Taxpayers spent $180 billion to bail out AIG – and bought an 80% stake in the company in the process.  Sign the open letter to AIG here! As taxpayers and majority shareholders in AIG, we ask that you immediately release all emails, internal accounting

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Bonus Protests Coming Up: Orlando, Delaware, Connecticut

Email for more details about any of these events. Please note which city’s events you are inquiring about. Hope to see you there! Orlando, Florida: Friday, Dec 18, 2:30 pm at Bank of America, 800 John Young Pkwy. Contact Stephanie Porta for more details:

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City Desk: Tonight: Anti-Banker Caroling!

Tonight’s protest at Bank of America in Washington – and others planned around the country – were the subject of this article in the Washington City Paper.  Here’s an excerpt: The anti-fat-cat carols were the brainchild of Denise Bowyer, 53, an insurance exec from Mount