Watch AFR’s John Taylor on Fox Business News

John Taylor, President & CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), discussed the next wave of AIG bonuses on Fox Business News. In response to another guest’s hemming and hawing about what is appropriate compensation and how a salary is defined, John really made

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AFR to Senator Dodd: Support Strong Reforms

February 1, 2010 The Honorable Christopher Dodd Chairman Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs 534 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C.  20510 Dear Senator Dodd: We are writing today to convey our strong support for comprehensive regulatory reform, and to reaffirm our view

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U.S. Lawmaker to Push For Crackdown on Speculation

Americans for Financial Reform was mentioned in this New York Times Dealbook article about Senator Cantwell’s support for greater regulation of futures markets and derivatives.  From the article: A key U.S. lawmaker is set to join forces with several business groups on Wednesday to call

Tell the Senate: We Need a Consumer Financial Protection Agency

Toasters, toys, Tylenol, title loans: one of these things is not like the others. We have government agencies in charge of regulating many consumer products, but not nearly enough attention is given to financial products.  With your help, that can change. Financial reform passed the

Paul Volcker: How to Reform our Financial System

Paul Volcker, Chairman of the president’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board and former Federal Reserve Chairman, published this op-ed in the New York Times.  Here are excerpts: The phrase “too big to fail” has entered into our everyday vocabulary. It carries the implication that really large,