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Bonus Bonanza Needs to Be Reined In

“The big money is back on Wall Street” – New York Times, 2/23/10 Advocates Take to the Web to Weigh in to Restrain Banks from Rewarding Risky Behavior Washington, DC – In light of Chairman Barney Frank’s hearing today on the outrageous compensation packages that

New TV Ad: Sen. Tester, Keep Fighting for Financial Reform

“That [Committee for Truth in Politics] ad is confusing a lot of folks, because it’s not true.” – Sen. Jon Tester [Billings Gazette, 2/10/10] Washington, D.C. – Americans for Financial Reform and Americans United for Change unveiled a new television ad today supporting Sen. Jon

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Huffington Post: The Real Price of Proprietary Trading

James Crotty, Gerald Epstein, and Iren Levina have co-authored an article regarding financial reform, the “Volcker Rule,” and the real cost of propriety trading.  Here is the introduction to the article: President Obama’s endorsement of the “Volcker Rule” — a set of proposals designed to

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Providence Journal Editorial Endorses Volcker Rule

Rhode Island’s Providence Journal just released this Editorial supporting “the Volker Rule.”  It says: Wall Street should not again earn fortunes through reckless investing while loading the risks onto taxpayers. It’s time for new rules for this game, and no financial figure is better suited