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AFR Urges Sen. Corker: Stand Up for Your Work

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE: April 19, 2010 Campaign Urges Sen. Corker:  Stand Up for Your Work As Republican Leaders Attack Corker’s Wall Street Accountability Bill, Tennesseans Will Send Message to Stay Strong Washington DC – On the eve of the Senate battle over holding Wall

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BanksterUSA: Goldman Accused of Cutting the Brakes’s Mary Bottari has posted a new blog entry about Goldman Sachs and the recent civil fraud charges filed by the SEC.  She says: One of the most salient analogies of the financial meltdown was offered by Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission chair Phil Angelides when

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AARP Video: Senate Must Pass Reform

While the rest of us struggle to deal with lost savings, homes and jobs – armies of Wall Street lobbyists are spending millions to kill financial reform in Congress. But after losing so much to Wall Street’s risky excess, American seniors are depending on us to

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AFR: No More Taxpayer Bailouts

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Washington, DC – Today, Tax Day, as Americans are all too aware of where their tax dollars are going, Americans for Financial Reform agrees that taxpayers should never again be on the hook for the mistakes made by the largest financial institutions. The misstatements about the

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Syracuse Students Say No to Chase CEO

Students organize opposition: Group plans protest, petition against JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon The Syracuse Daily Orange reports that students have begun to organize to oppose upcoming commencement speaker Jamie Dimon.  The paper states: About 30 students gathered in Schine Student Center’s Panasci Lounge on Wednesday