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Elizabeth Warren: Banks or Families?

Elizabeth Warren wrote this piece in Politico.  Here is an excerpt: Banks or families? For almost a year, the big banks and the American Bankers Association have presented that choice to Congress. Lobbyists argue that meaningful consumer protection will jeopardize the safety and soundness of

Financial Reform 101 with Prof. Elizabeth Warren

Tuesday, April 6 4:00 – 4:45 pm Eastern time AFR is hosting a special online discussion with Professor Elizabeth Warren and AFR Director Heather Booth for the general public. Sign up here! Find out about reform efforts in Congress—including the Senate bill currently being debated,

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Health Care Reform Also Reforms Student Lending

The Senate passed and the President signed into law a bill which will eliminate the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) student lending program.  Instead, all government loans will use the “Direct” lending program.   AFFIL applauds this change, as it will eliminate the subsidies to the

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Letter to Rep. Kaptur in Support of H.R. 3995

The Honorable Marcy Kaptur United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 March 31, 2010 Dear Representative Kaptur: We are writing in support of H.R. 3995, the “Financial Crisis of 2008 Criminal Investigation and Prosecution Act of 2009,” authored by Representative Marcy Kaptur. In the

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NYT: Unions Make Strides as They Attack Banks

The New York Times published an article discussing how labor unions have been helping in the fight for financial reform.  AFR was mentioned in the following excerpt: Unions are holding up many of their own members as victims of the banks’ bad bets, like subprime