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Wall Street Reform: Credit Rating Agencies

Credit-ratings agencies had been held up historically as neutral arbiters of risk. That turned out to be far from the truth, as evidenced by the numerous mortgage-backed securities and other risky securities that states and municipalities in particular bought because they had been slapped with

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Wall Street Reform: Derivatives Trading

Selling over-the-counter derivatives is among the most lucrative businesses for the largest financial companies. U.S. commercial banks held derivatives with a notional value of $216.5 trillion at the end of the first quarter of this year, according to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

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New Poll Shows Strong Support for Wall Street Reform

WALL STREET REFORM POLLING MEMO See below a new polling memo from Benenson Strategy Group on the strong support for Wall Street Reform. TO:                   Interested Parties FROM:              Joel Benenson RE:                   American Support for Wall Street Reform DATE:               June 28, 2010 Americans show strong support for

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Text of the Financial Reform Bill

Compiled below is the text of the financial reform bill from THOMAS as of the morning of June 29, 2010. HR 4173 – Title I (Financial Stability) HR 4173 – Title II (ORDERLY LIQUIDATION AUTHORITY) HR 4173 – Title III (TRANSFER OF POWERS TO THE

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Support for Passage of Dodd-Frank Compromise

June 27, 2010 United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 Re: Support for Passage of the Dodd/Frank Reform Compromise Dear Representatives: Americans for Financial Reform applauds Congress, especially Chairman Dodd and Chairman Frank,  for moving forward with such significant legislation reforming Wall Street and