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CA Homeowners Call for Moratorium on All Foreclosures

October 5, 2010                                                                 Peter Kuhns (213) 272-1141 Homeowners Denounce Foreclosure Fraud & Call for Moratorium on All Foreclosures Urge Fellow Homeowners to Resist Evictions Until Banks Prove they Are Complying with All Relevant Foreclosure Laws On Wednesday, fed up homeowners throughout the state of California are

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AFR Summary of Dodd-Frank

A Brief Summary of the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform Act CFPB  The new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is the biggest consumer reform since deposit insurance in the 1930s. Consumers will now have one-stop shopping for consumer protection and an independent advocate on their side

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Dodd-Frank: Final Votes

AFR tracked the individual votes of Senate and House members during the financial reform debate.  Click below to see their voting records and related comments. S. 3217 Final Passage and Selected Amendment Voting Record Senate Voting Record Key HR4173 Final Passage and Selected Amendment Voting

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AFR Supports the Medical Debt Relief Act

September 27, 2010 Dear Representative: Consumers Union, the nonprofit publisher of Consumer Reports ®, the Americans for Financial Reform (a coalition of over 250 national state and local groups), the Consumer Federation of America (CFA), the National Association of Consumers Advocates (NACA), the National Consumer

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Coalition Sends Comments to FDIC on Overdraft Fees

A coalition of consumer advocates recently sent this letter to Sheila Bair about the FDIC and overdraft fees. Dear Ms. Bair: We, the undersigned civil rights, labor, consumer, housing, community,  business, and sustainable and responsible investor groups, write to thank the FDIC for bringing attention

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Michael Greenberger on Definitions and Derivatives

Professor Michael Greenberger has prepared a comment letter in response to definitions contained in Title VII of Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.   This document discusses the definitions of terms that are  key for effective derivatives regulation. Click here to read the pdf.

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Consumer Action Summary of the Dodd-Frank Act

Below, read a summary of the Dodd-Frank law from AFR member Consumer Action. The landmark federal financial reform legislation (the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010) was designed to strengthen consumer protection of financial products and services, limit taxpayer liability for