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Durbin Vows to Fight Republican Funding Cuts for Regulators

BusinessWeek – Carter Dougherty Americans for Financial Reform, an umbrella group of labor unions, civil rights organizations and consumer advocates, arranged the conference call with Durbin, who also is chairman of the financial services subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee.   Click Here to Read

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House members spar over efforts to avert foreclosures

Los Angeles Times – Jim Puzzanghera Consumer advocates and political groups allied with Democrats also called Wednesday for continuing the modification effort and the other programs. “Proposals in the House to cut off help to distressed homeowners and communities amount to punishing families — again

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We All Pay A Price For the Foreclosure Crisis

Read the pdf here. We All Pay A Price For the Foreclosure Crisis Foreclosures don’t just hurt the family who loses their home – they damage the neighborhood, the community, and the larger economy. That’s why economic forecasts almost always highlight the state of the

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AFR Short Term Borrowing

PDF version available here February 22nd, 2011 Mary Schapiro Chairman Securities and Exchange Commission 100 F Street, NE Washington, DC   20549 Cc: Luis Aguilar, Commissioner Cc: Kathleen Casey, Commissioner Cc: Troy Paredes, Commissioner Cc: Elisse Walter, Commissioner Cc: Elizabeth M. Murphy, Secretary Re: File No.

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United States Congressman Elijah E. Cummings Ranking Member, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform 2471 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-4741 FAX (202) 225-3178 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: February 25, 2011 Paul Kincaid, 202-225-4289 Cummings Launches Major Investigation of Mortgage Servicer