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For too long, the rules of Wall Street have been written by the bankers themselves. This year, that has to change. Americans for Fairness in Lending and Americans for Financial Reform are partnering to reform the nation’s lending industry and financial system.  We’re working to protect

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Peter Skillern’s Congressional Testimony

Testimony of Peter Skillern, Executive Director Community Reinvestment Association of North Carolina United States House of Representatives Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Subcommittee Wednesday, March 3, 2011 Thank you Representative Capito and Representative Maloney for the opportunity to speak with you on the impact of

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Debating Dodd-Frank: What’s in a Name?

By Arielle Bikard / Compliance Week One witness on the panel testifying before Congress, however, had some tart objections to all of the bills. Damon Silvers, policy director at the Federation of labor organizations AFL-CIO, who said he also spoke on behalf of Americans for