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AFR’s Comment Letter on Risk Management Standards for Certain Financial Market Utilities

AFR commented on the Federal Reserve’s proposed rule setting out risk-management standards for systemically significant financial market utilities. Examples of such entities would include major derivatives clearinghouses, key bank payment systems, and repo clearing banks. AFR’s letter urged an increase capital requirements for such entities, more specific risk management standards, and a requirement that key risk assessments be performed by impartial third parties.

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AFR Opposes Exempting Derivatives from Regulation

View pdf here.   May 20, 2011   Ben Bernanke, Chairman Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System   John Walsh, Acting Comptroller Office of the Comptroller of the Currency   Sheila Bair, Chairman Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation   John Bowman, Acting Director Office

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The ‘Warren Report’—GOP Attacks Consumer Agency

The ‘Warren Report’—GOP Attacks Consumer Agency Katherine Reynolds Lews (The Fiscal Times) May 19, 2011 “Even before it formally opens its doors this summer, the new federal agency created to protect consumers from unscrupulous financial industry practices is coming under withering attack by Wall Street

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Are SEC’s proposed credit-rating agency rules ‘toothless’?

Are SEC’s proposed credit-rating agency rules ‘toothless’? Alison Frankel (Thompson Reuters) May 18, 2011 “In the aftermath of the economic meltdown, the credit rating agencies have evaded liability as successfully as Superman dodges speeding bullets. Just a handful of surviving cases blame the credit rating

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Causing a furor before it exists

Causing a furor before it exists James Lardner (Remapping Debate) May 12, 2011 “With the passage of last year’s Dodd-Frank reform law, the 111th Congress called for the creation of a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Now, two months before its scheduled launch date, the ascendant

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Letter in Opposition to Legislation That Would Weaken the CFPB

AFR signed on in support of a letter sent to members of Congress today regarding four pieces of legislation that would threaten the ability of the CFPB to sufficiently protect consumers.If enacted, these bills would virtually guarantee that the CFPB would be a weak and timid agency without the will or ability to curb the kind of financial abuses that caused the nation’s worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.