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AFR Calls for Strengthening in Oversight Rules

AFR submitted a comment letter to the banking oversight agencies on proposed rules to change pay practices at big banks. The rules include a number of proposals, including mandatory deferral of some compensation, intended to ensure that Wall Street executives are financially accountable for the long-term consequences of their actions. The letter commended a number of positive steps taken in the proposal, but made the case that the deferral and oversight rules would have to be strengthened to fully address the problem.

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OCC Again Chooses Interests of Banks Over Consumers and States Consumer, Civil Rights Groups Attack New Proposed Rule Preempting State Consumer Protection Laws

For Immediate Release: May 26, 2011 Contacts: NCLC: Lauren Saunders, 202-452-6252 ext. 105;; AFR: John Carey, 202-466-3311; OCC Again Chooses Interests of Banks Over Consumers and States Consumer, Civil Rights Groups Attack New Proposed Rule Preempting State Consumer Protection Laws Washington, DC−A broad

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AFR Pushes For Tougher “Claw Back” Rules

AFR submitted a comment on rules implementing the “claw back” provisions that permit the FDIC to recoup pay and bonuses from executives of a failed bank that is being resolved under the FDIC’s orderly liquidation authority. AFR favors tougher and more comprehensive claw back rules.

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AFR Statement on Mark-up of H.R. 1573

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 24, 2011 CONTACT: John Carey at 202-466-1854 AFR Statement on Mark-up of H.R. 1573 Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform, a coalition of more than 250 national and state organizations working together for strong Wall Street reform, issued the