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A key objective of Title VII of the Dodd-Frank Act (DFA) is to create transparency in previously unregulated derivatives markets. Indeed, the transparency goal is apparent in the short title of the section – ―The Wall Street Transparency and Accountability Act‖. Transparency is a critical goal across the entire Dodd-Frank Act, and is mentioned in the overall purpose statement of the legislation.

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Servicing Consent Orders

The undersigned national labor, civil rights, consumer and community organizations call on you to withdraw the proposed consent orders issued to the nation’s mortgage servicers and to work with the state Attorneys General and United States Department of Justice to obtain a joint settlement that addresses illegal servicing practices in a meaningful manner.

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Adam Levitin CFPB Testimony

View the PDF Version Here Mr. Chairman Capito, Ranking Member Maloney, Members of the Subcommittee: My name is Adam Levitin, and I am an Associate Professor of Law at the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C., where I teach courses consumer finance, contracts, and

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Hilary Shelton CFPB testimony

Read the PDF Version Here “LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS TO IMPROVE THE STRUCTURE OF THE CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU” April 6, 2011 Good morning, Chairwoman Capito, Ranking Member Maloney, and so many of my good friends here on the Subcommittee. It is a pleasure and an honor

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CFPB Should Not Be Undermined

Republican lawmakers should stand down in their efforts to delay and obstruct the shaping of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which if properly implemented will go down in history as the most significant and innovative change to come out of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.

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In The Public Interest: Congress Still Demonizing Elizabeth Warren, Meanwhile, Chase Rolls Out the $5 ATM Fee

Incredibly, last week, in a letter to Professor Elizabeth Warren, House Financial Services Committee chairman Spencer Bachus (R-AL), along with key subcommittee chair Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), all but accused Professor Elizabeth Warren of lying to Congress in her recent, excellent testimony on the work of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Implementation team.

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NAACP Letter on cuts to CFPB

Dear Representative:
On behalf of the NAACP, our nation’s oldest, largest and most widely-recognized grassroots-based civil rights organization, I strongly urge you to oppose and vote against any funding cuts to the newly created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

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Consumers Union Letter on CFPB Commission

The recently introduced Responsible Consumer Financial Protection Regulation Act, H.R. 1121, aims to create a five- member commission to carry out the duties of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Consumers Union, the nonprofit publishers of Consumer Reports®, respectfully disagrees with this proposed change to the CFPB’s structure and strongly supports a single director as the most efficient and effective way to run the CFPB.