AFR Bulletin: More Bank Capital Will Improve Financial Stability Without Harming the Economy
Read the bulletin here.
Read the bulletin here.
See a detailed slide show of the results of the poll sponsored by AFR, AARP and CRL showing broad support for financial reform here.
Click here to view this week’s highlights and lowlights in Wall Street Reform – July 23, 2011 – July 29, 2011.
Senator Brown’s remarks are below: Mr. BROWN of Ohio: Madam President, as we debate the best way to get our fiscal house in order, we must avoid, first of all, defaulting on our obligations while also working to make our economy stronger. While
Financial Regulation Lags After Dodd-Frank Fox Business July 25, 2011 — Several new financial regulations that cover the mortgage market, the epicenter of the financial crisis, were among the first to undergo rule-making. Mortgage originators now must make sure that a borrower has the ability
Financial Reform, One Year Later Michael Krasny (KQED – San Francisco) July 25, 2011 ―Lax investment regulations and bad home loans are blamed for sparking the nation’s deepest recession in decades. In response, lawmakers Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and others introduced the Dodd-Frank Wall Street
Read our letter regarding the Fed’s proposed changes to the Truth in Lending Act here.
Click here to view this week’s highlights and lowlights in Wall Street Reform – July 16, 2011 – July 22, 2011.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 21, 2011 CONTACT: John Carey at 202-466-1854 AFR Statement on House Passage of H.R. 1315 Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform, a coalition of more than 250 national and state organizations working together for strong Wall Street reform,
Dodd-Frank Can’t Be the End of the Story New Deal2.0 (Roosevelt Institute) July 21, 2011 ―One year after the passage of Dodd-Frank, Roosevelt Institute Fellow Mike Konczal invited experts and those on the front lines to weigh in on what‘s happened so far and what‘s