News Release: Bonuses Paid to Silicon Valley Bank Highlight Need to Finish Executive Pay Rules

President Biden’s and Congress’s efforts to begin to hold the executives of Silicon Valley Branch accountable are important to rein in the reckless and imprudent practices of senior bank executives, who have gamed our financial system and hurt communities in the process. True accountability includes executives forfeiting enormous bonuses, while their bank is on the brink of failure. 

lawyer signing a document Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash

Letters to Regulators: Comment Letter to OMB on Uniform Guidance Relating to Stock Buybacks and Executive Comepensation

AFREF and the Institute for Policy Studies, Global Economy Project led a comment letter to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) about its uniform guidance, which sets the boundaries around the types of strings states and localities are allowed to attach when they disburse federal funds.  This comment letter argues state and local governments should be allowed to give preferential treatment to bidders that commit to make productive investments in their companies and refrain from stock buybacks and excessive executive compensation.

In The News: Was This a Bailout? Skeptics Descend on Silicon Valley Bank Response. (The New York Times)

“At the end of the day, what has been shown is that the explicit guarantee extended to the globally systemic banks is now extended to everyone,” said Renita Marcellin, legislative and advocacy director at Americans for Financial Reform. “We have this implicit guarantee for everyone, but not the rules and regulations that should be paired with these guarantees.”

Remarks: Written Remarks Regarding Digital Assets Policy Frameworks – Areas for MRAC Review

AFREF and Demand Progress Education Fund attended a meeting of the Market Risk Advisory Committee for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. There, AFREF/DPEF staff gave remarks on digital assets, including recommendations to the Committee regarding research and analysis into proper regulatory oversight of the digital assets sector. Recommendations included research into cybersecurity risks associated with crypto platforms and crypto derivatives, as well as a review of due diligence processes conducted by the CFTC and other regulators when CFTC registered entities involved in digital assets are acquired by another firm.