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AFR Press Statement: Filibuster of Cordray Nomination to lead the CFPB

With this morning’s vote on General Cordray’s nomination to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Senators faced a choice. Would they stand up for fair rules of the road in the consumer financial marketplace, or would they side with the big Wall Street banks, and the bottom feeders in the lending industry?

Unfortunately, 45 Senators chose the latter. With unemployment still above 8.5%, and millions of foreclosures devastating families and communities, they chose to defend the status quo that allowed the deceptive and abusive lending at the heart of the financial crisis to flourish. With people struggling to make ends meet in hard times, they chose to protect payday lenders making 300% ‘debt trap’ loans. Now they are on the record. We do not think their constituents will be pleased.

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AFR in the News: Protect Public Entities and Pension Funds From Abuses

The Consumer Federation of America, Americans for Financial Reform, and the AFL-CIO, hosted a conference call with reporters and bloggers on Tuesday, December 6th to discuss threats to a key Dodd-Frank provision designed to protect municipalities, pensions and other vulnerable swaps market participants from predatory industry practices of the kind that just last month drove Jefferson County, Alabama to declare the nation’s largest ever municipal bankruptcy.

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Coalition Press Advisory: House to Vote on Major Deregulation Bills That Would Pose a Serious Threat to Public Safety

As early as today, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on the “Regulatory Accountability Act (RAA) of 2011” (H.R. 3010) and the “Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act” (H.R. 527). The “Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act of 2011” (H.R. 10) is expected to come to the House floor for a vote early next week. All three of these bills attempt to grind the rulemaking process to a halt, thereby placing corporate interests ahead of public health, safety, environmental protection and a secure economy.

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AFR in the News: The Volcker Rule and Barclays’ UK Bear Hug

The Volcker Rule and Barclays’ UK Bear Hug – Nick Dunbar

“On Nov. 3rd, I attended the inaugural BBC Today Business Lecture, given by Bob Diamond, the chief executive of Barclays. The man who told the UK Treasury Select Committee that it was time to stop apologising for the financial crisis had been given an image makeover. …The more I thought about it, aside from the change in tone, there was not a great deal of difference between the unrepentant Diamond addressing the Treasury Committee and the contrite version lecturing the BBC. …The answer came to me last week…I was invited by the legislative counsel for Sen. Jeff Merkley, one of the architects of the original Volcker Rule bill, and… Americans for Financial Reform.”