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AFR in the News: Banks divided on loan rules

Banks divided on loan rules Federal agency pushes ability-to-pay mortgage tenet Carter Dougherty | Bloomberg News “This rule is aimed directly at the core deficiencies in the mortgage market that produced unsustainable loans, an inflated housing market, and resulting widespread economic hardship,” Americans for Financial Reform, a

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AFR Conference: Cost Benefit Analysis and Dodd-Frank

COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS AND FINANCIAL REFORM May 9, 2012 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM   Economic Policy Institute, 1333 H Street NW, Washington DC Presented By: Americans for Financial Reform, Center for Progressive Reform, Economic Policy Institute, and Public Citizen   Space is limited, please RSVP

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AFR in the News: Bankers Assault on Financial Reform -Gerald Epstein: New financial regulations contained in the Dodd-Frank law are being gutted or delayed by regulators and Congress

Bankers Assault on Financial Reform -Gerald Epstein: New financial regulations contained in the Dodd-Frank law are being gutted or delayed by regulators and Congress – Transcipt, Paul Jay (The Real News Network) April 30, 2012 “And this kind of bill [H.R. 3336the Small Business Credit

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House Passes Bill to Exempt Small Banks from Swaps Rules

House Passes Bill to Exempt Small Banks from Swaps Rules  (American Banker) April 25, 2012 “The House on Wednesday easily approved a bill that would provide small banks an exemption from clearing requirements for swaps under the Dodd-Frank Act…The bill was opposed by Americans for