Letters to the Regulators: Letter in Support of the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s Expense Disaggregation Proposal

Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund submitted a comment letter to the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in support of its proposal to require public companies to disaggregate certain costs from expense captions, with a focus on the disaggregation of employee compensation costs. AFREF made a series of recommendations to improve these disclosures, including recommendations to include workers beyond employees in the disclosures.

News Release: California’s New Climate Disclosure Laws Cover Nearly Three-Quarters of Fortune 1000 Companies

WASHINGTON, DC – There should be no added compliance costs for 75% of the largest public companies to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions under the upcoming Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) climate financial risk disclosure rules, a new report has found. The findings cast doubt on U.S. business groups’ claims that the costs of fully disclosing their climate risks would be too high. 

Federal reserve board

News Release: Banking Regulators Issue Final Climate Risk Management Principles for Large Banks

Washington, D.C. — The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Reserve Board, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency today released joint Principles for Climate-related Financial Risk Management for Large Financial Institutions that establish climate-related risk management expectations for banks with over $100 billion in assets.

News Release: Revised CRA Regulations Have Teeth, Encourage Community Resilience Investments

Washington, D.C. — The Federal Reserve Board, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation released a joint final rule to revise the regulations implementing the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). This decision caps a long-awaited effort to modernize the rules to reflect the changing structure of the banking system and needs for community loans, investments, and services. 

News Release: SEC Commissioner Crenshaw Echoes AFR’s Concerns on Leveraged Loans Lacking Protection Under Securities Laws

Washington, D.C. — SEC Commissioner Caroline Crenshaw gave a notable speech at an event sponsored by the Center for American Progress on October 11th warning of the dangers posed by the fact that the $1.4 trillion leveraged loan market, often used to finance private equity takeovers, is not subject to securities laws, and therefore operates without many investor protections.