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AFR in the News: The Billionaire Banker in The Shadows (Forbes)

“In a stroke of brilliant financial maneuvering Lone Star bundled some of the mortgages into bonds and sold them to investors, immediately booking large profits… ‘Lone Star has bought these loans at a discount from the government–-in effect, they got principal reduction. But they are not passing this benefit on to homeowners or communities,’ says Lisa Donner, executive director of Americans for Financial Reform.

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Letter to Congress: AFR Urges House Financial Services Committee to Hold Wall Street Accountable

“On behalf of Americans for Financial Reform, we are writing here to express our opposition to seven of the bills under consideration before the Committee today… These bills all move in the direction of less accountability for Wall Street, which is a move in precisely the wrong direction. The financial crisis of 2008 – and continuing examples of financial sector malfeasance and irresponsibility since then — have made the need for more vigorous regulation painfully clear. Instead of working to eliminate consumer, investor, and systemic protections, the committee should focus on completing the job of strengthening them.”

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Letter to Congress: AFR, Public Citizen and Five Organizations Advocates for Congress to Let the SEC do its Job, Reject HR 3798

“The undersigned organizations urge you to oppose HR 3798, the Due Process Restoration Act of 2015… HR 3798 would make it more difficult for the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to hold companies accountable when they break the law – even as those same firms frequently deny basic due process to their investors and customers through forced arbitration.”

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Letter to Congress: AFR, 20 Organizations Urge Support for Legislation that Provides Increased Protections for Bank Whistleblowers

“We, the undersigned groups, are writing to express our support for the “Whistleblower Augmented Reward and Nonretaliation (WARN) Act of 2016”, introduced by Ranking Member Cummings and Senator Tammy Baldwin. This common-sense legislation would provide updated financial incentives and stronger anti-retaliation protections for industry insiders who blow the whistle on bank fraud.”