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Letter to Regulators: AFR Urges Federal Reserve and FDIC to Take Opportunity to End Too Big to Fail

“AFR sent a letter to banking regulators today concerning their review of bank resolution plans. The Dodd-Frank Act requires regulators to review these plans to ensure that major banks are no longer ‘too big to fail’ – that they can go through a conventional (Chapter 11) private bankruptcy in an orderly manner, without creating substantial economic disruption. “

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AFR Statement: Why We Support the Baldwin-Merkley Hedge Fund Bill

“Again and again, activist hedge funds have used sneak attacks to accumulate large stakes in public companies and then cashed out quickly at the expense of workers, communities, and the long-term viability of the company itself. The Brokaw Act is a sensible and badly needed response to this problem. With the introduction of their bill, Senators Baldwin and Merkley have struck an important blow against the immediate-profits-at-all-costs mentality that has become such a huge obstacle to long-term investment in our country.”

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AFR in the News: Executive Compensation Is Changing, New Rules or No (American Banker)

“Marcus Stanley, policy director of the public advocacy group Americans for Financial Reform, said that the shift toward taking a long view with executive compensation is anecdotal at best… ‘From our perspective there hasn’t really been a fundamental change,’ Stanley said. ‘What we would want to see is something that moves closer to the old partnership model, where you stay genuinely at risk for a long period of time and where you’re just as sensitive to the downside… as the short-term upside incentives.'”

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Letter to Regulators: AFR, 34 Orgs Press for Automatic Relief to Groups of Students Victimized by Predatory Practices

“We are deeply concerned by the slow pace and small number of discharges that have been processed and that many of the Department’s proposals in the current negotiated rulemaking process move in the wrong direction, reducing eligibility for relief, pitting students against schools, and creating unnecessary burdens on students and the Department.”