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AFR IN THE NEWS: Betsy DeVos Is Rolling Back Student Loan Regulations From the Obama Administration (Teen Vogue)

“‘In order to have accountability, there must be real consequences when servicers violate the law,’ Alexis Goldstein, senior policy analyst at the progressive Americans for Financial Reform, told the Tribune. ‘DeVos’ actions today moves us away from true accountability, and creates dangers for the very student loan borrowers the department is responsible for protecting.'”

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AFR in the News: DeVos reverses Obama directives protecting student loan borrowers (Market Watch)

“’Undoing these memos is a very concerning indication of how much (Department of Education officials) value protecting borrowers versus how much they want to insulate servicers,’ said Alexis Goldstein [of] Americans for Financial Reform. ‘Is this meant to be a message that says we are less concerned with borrowers and more concerned with protecting servicers even if they made mistakes in the past?’”

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AFR IN THE NEWS: DeVos dials back consumer protections for student loan borrowers (Washington Post)

“’In order to have accountability, there must be real consequences when servicers violate the law,’ said Alexis Goldstein, senior policy analyst at the progressive Americans for Financial Reform. ‘DeVos’s actions today moves us away from true accountability, and creates dangers for the very student loan borrowers the department is responsible for protecting.’

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AFR Statement: AFR Applauds Bipartisan Bill to Restore Glass-Steagall

“The Warren-McCain bill would restore the Glass-Steagall firewall and update it for the 21st century by fully addressing new developments like the massive growth in the market for complex derivatives and securities lending. By forcing the separation of commercial and investment banking, it would break up “too big to fail” banks that combine both activities, and reduce their power over the financial markets and the economy.”

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AFR IN THE NEWS: The One Retirement Rule Wall Street Hates The Most (Forbes)

“Sen. Elizabeth Warren and a group of investor protection groups such as Americans for Financial Reform and the Consumer Federation of America have unveiled the ‘Retirement Ripoff Counter, which is a digital, large-scale, live projector that will show the harm President Trump is doing to investors by delaying the fiduciary rule. On the evening of April 5th, after dusk, the projection of the Retirement Ripoff Counter will be displayed on the sides of several major Washington landmarks.'”

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“Take on Wall Street” Statement: Wall Street Watchdogs Blast Banking Committee majority for approving Clayton to Head SEC

“Jay Clayton’s entire career of representing major Wall Street banks, advancing their interests at the expense of the public, helping them avoid accountability, stands in contradiction to the very mission of the agency he has been nominated to lead… Those who voted in favor of his appointment — both Democrats and Republicans –will have some explaining to do to constituents who are sick and tired of letting Wall Street continue rig the economy so all of the gains go to those at the very top.”