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Letter to Regulator: AFR, 8 organizations provide detailed recommendations to FHFA to improve language access in the mortgage industry

“The burden of interpreting financial services jargon and communicating with lenders and servicers should not rest solely on borrowers. . . . Expanding access to language services throughout the mortgage process would begin to equalize a system that currently undermines the ability of LEP borrowers to understand the complexities of their future homeownership prospects and to protect their home after purchasing it.”

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Letter to Congress: Randal Quarles should not be confirmed as Federal Reserve Vice-Chair for Supervision

“In selecting Mr. Quarles, the Trump Administration has reached back to the economic team of the Bush Treasury, where Mr. Quarles served from 2001 to 2006…. Like the rest of the Bush Administration team, Mr. Quarles showed no evidence of being aware of the historic meltdown of the U.S. and global financial sector that was about to occur, or of the significance of the toxic and fraudulent Wall Street activities that were taking place on his watch.”

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TOWS Press Release: Leading Members of Congress Propose An Agenda to Take on Wall Street

“Seven years ago this week the Dodd Frank act was signed into law, setting in motion measures to protect consumers and make the financial system more stable. Unfortunately, some lawmakers wish to turn back the clock and undo these reforms, and we are stepping up the fight to stop them. But the important work of defending Dodd-Frank must not be the end of the story. We need to do more to build a financial system that works for most Americans, not against them.”

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Letter to Regulators: AFR Opposes SoFi’s Deposit Insurance Application

“…The essence of SoFi’s application is a request to seek the benefits of federal deposit insurance without subjecting SoFi itself or its private equity owners to the well-founded requirements for bank holding companies. The FDIC should not approve the application to facilitate this regulatory arbitrage. …If its application is granted, SoFi will be the first new ILC to secure deposit insurance in over a decade. That will send a clear signal to the marketplace that the FDIC intends once again to approve ILC deposit insurance applications. FDIC should not grant SoFi’s application and allow the ILC loophole to be revived.”