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Joint Statement: Public Interest Groups Applaud FHFA Move to Expand Resources for LEP Borrowers

The clearinghouse is a valuable resource that will improve the homeownership experience for Limited English Proficient (LEP) borrowers by making available all in-language resources in one centralized place, including translated loan documents, glossaries, and other educational materials. The clearinghouse will be helpful to lenders, housing counselors, attorneys, and other advocates assisting LEP borrowers.

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News Release: Grupos de Interés Público Aplauden a la FHFA por Ampliar Recursos para Prestatarios con Conocimientos Limitados del Inglés

El repositorio es un recurso valioso que mejorará el proceso de adquisición de viviendas para prestatarios con Conocimientos Limitados del Inglés (LEP, por sus siglas en inglés) al hacer disponible en un mismo sitio toda la documentación en un mismo idioma, incluyendo traducciones de documentos de préstamos, glosarios, y otros materiales educacionales. El repositorio será de utilidad para prestamistas, asesores de vivienda, abogados, y otros ayudando a prestatarios con conocimientos limitados del inglés.

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Joint Statement: CFPB Sandbox Proposal Would Deny Consumers Key Information

The CFPB is exceeding its authority under the law that created the agency and would set a dangerous precedent with its “disclosure sandbox” policy, its label for granting companies exemptions from disclosure rules. The CFPB would allow firms to obfuscate or eliminate important information in the name of “financial innovation,” a label often applied to defend practices in mortgage lending that led to the 2008 crisis.

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Letter To Regulators: Civil Rights, Consumer Groups Seek Blankenstein Ouster from CFPB

We, the undersigned organizations, call on you to abandon your proposed reorganization of the
Office of Fair Lending and Equal Opportunity, and to remove Mr. Eric Blankenstein from having
any involvement in the Bureau’s oversight and enforcement of antidiscrimination laws. We have
long voiced strong concerns about your plans to relocate the Office of Fair Lending, and our
concerns have grown even stronger in light of the shocking revelations about Mr. Blankenstein’s
writings on issues of race.