Category Archives: Letters and Statements

A Wall Street street sign

Letters to Congress: Joint Letter Endorsing the Wall Street Tax Act

AFR joined a letter to the House of Representatives urging them to cosponsor the Wall Street Tax Act of 2021, H.R. 328. Also called the Financial Tax Transaction Act (FTT), the bill would create significant revenues and reduce risk and volatility, reorienting Wall Street’s focus away from speculation toward long-term investments that support Main Street businesses, employees, and working families.

a pile of credit cards

Letters to Regulators: Letter to NCUA Opposing Proposed Change to Overdraft Policy

AFR Ed Fund joined our colleagues to send a letter opposing the National Credit Union Administration’s proposal to permit federal credit unions to leave negative account balances open for longer than the current limit of 45 days without any limits on overdrafts, overdraft fees, or NSF fees that can be assessed during this period. This proposal fails to consider the substantial risks it poses on credit union members who are facing economic challenges during the pandemic by exposing them to additional fees that only compound their financial distress.

Federal reserve board

Letters to Regulators: Letter in Response to the Federal Reserve Board’s ANPR on the Community Reinvestment Act

Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund organized a letter to the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) in response to their advanced notice of proposed rule making (ANPR) on the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). The letter outlined a number of guiding principles and approaches to ensure that any changes to the CRA framework would be limited to measures that will increase equity in bank investments and access to sustainable, wealth-building credit in underserved communities as the statute intended.

a gavel over a paper that says "arbitration hearing"

Letters to Congress: Letter in Support of the FAIR Act

AFR joined a letter strongly supporting the Force Arbitration Injustice Repeal Act (FAIR Act). The letter stated that the legislation would ensure that workers, consumers, servicemembers, nursing home residents, ordinary investors, and small businesses harmed by bad actors will be able to bring valid claims in court, and would not be forced into private, secretive, corporate-controlled arbitration systems required by nonnegotiable contracts. It argued for the particular need for Congress to move forward with this legislation in light of the economic hardship facing working families during the pandemic.

a series of houses

Letters to Congress: Letter Urging Congress to Provide Greater Assistance for Homeowners in COVID Relief Plan

AFR joined a letter urging Congress to expand assistance to homeowners in the upcoming COVID-19 relief package. The letter, which followed a previous letter to the Biden Administration urging for similar protections, requested that the upcoming COVID relief package include $25 billion for direct assistance to homeowners, with the bulk of the funds deployed through state housing finance agencies through the Homeowner Assistance Fund and including at least $100 million for housing counseling and $39.7 million for the Fair Housing Initiatives Program.