Category Archives: Press Releases

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News Release: Civil And Consumer Rights Advocates Applaud House Passage Of Consumers First Act

“An effective consumer financial protection agency saves families billions of dollars a year, and makes their economic lives more secure. It fights lending discrimination, and shuts down tricks and traps” said Lisa Donner, executive director of Americans for Financial Reform. “Unfortunately, the evidence keeps piling up that the current leadership at the agency is focused on rolling back protections and enabling bad financial actors to rip people off. It is so important that members of Congress continue pressing the CFPB to live up to its consumer protection mandate and fulfill its basic responsibilities, as the House has in passing the Consumers First Act today.”

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Comunicado De Prensa: Capital Privado Amenaza A Residentes De Viviendas Prefabricadas

Muchos de los inversionistas de capital privado y de bienes raíces más grandes del mundo, administrando más de $1.77 billones en activos, han estado comprado comunidades de viviendas prefabricadas a un ritmo acelerado y han aumentado estrepitosamente los alquileres y otros costos, lo cual representa una nueva gran amenaza para la seguridad económica de millones de adultos mayores, personas con discapacidades, familias, e inmigrantes que necesitan viviendas de bajo costo; según reporta un nuevo informe.

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News Release: Private Equity Threatens Manufactured Home Residents

Many of the largest private equity and real estate investors in the world, managing more than $1.77 trillion in assets, have bought up manufactured home communities at a rapid pace and raised rents and fees sharply, posing a dramatic new threat to the economic security of millions of seniors, people with disabilities, families, and immigrants in need of low-cost housing, according to a new report.