Category Archives: Statements and Press Releases

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Recording of May 6 Press Call

Americans for Financial Reform and our 250 coalition partners applaud the Senate for rejecting – on a bipartisan basis – the sham that was Sen. Shelby’s “consumer” amendment to the Wall Street accountability currently being debated in the U.S. Senate. Click here for a recording

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AFR Details How to Keep Wall Street Reform Bill Strong

Americans for Financial Reform Detail How to Keep Wall Street Reform Bill Strong **Audio of Call Available Here** Washington, DC – As the Senate considers amendments to the Wall Street accountability bill, Americans for Financial Reform detailed which of those amendments will strengthen the bill

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Wall Street Reform Call

As the Senate considers amendments to the Wall Street reform bill, Americans for Financial Reform detailed which amendments in all issue areas will strengthen the bill.  Experts explained the dangers that lay ahead as the bill moves to through the floor debate on the Senate. 

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AFR Blasts Republicans for Blocking Debate

AFR Blasts Republicans For Blocking Debate Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform released the following statement following the vote this evening in the Senate on Financial Reform Heather Booth, Director, Americans for Financial Reform: “Eight million Americans lost their jobs because of the recession

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Americans Rally Across the Country to Hold Big Banks Accountable

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Opponents of Reform Try to Stop Wall Street from Being Held Accountable, As Americans Take to the Streets Demanding an End to the Era of Big Bank Recklessness **Full List of Events Available Here** Washington, DC – As opponents of reform continue