Category Archives: Letters and Statements

Coalition Urges Congress to Take on Big Banks and Protect Consumers

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Doug Gordon, 202-822-5200 DATE: October 7, 2009 Americans for Financial Reform: Congress Needs To Take On Big Banks, Protect Consumers Draft Legislative Language On Derivatives Is Not Enough; All Transaction Need to Be Transparent Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform

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AFR Urges Congress to Regulate the Derivatives Markets

Americans for Financial Reform (“AFR”) is a coalition of nearly 200 national, state and local consumer, employee, investor, community and civil rights organizations who seek meaningful reform of our banking and financial system. A list of the AFR coalition members is attached. AFR writes to

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Letter to Senators Dodd and Shelby on February 24, 2010

On February 24, Americans for Financial Reform sent a letter to Senator Dodd and Senator Shelby regarding their draft of the Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2009 (“Stability Act”). Letter from AFR to Dodd Shelby (February 24, 2010)