Category Archives: In the News

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Politico: SEIU’s Stern to Lead Goldman Protest

Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein may have had his tongue in his cheek when he said his bankers were doing “God’s work,” but the company’s critics aren’t laughing. In fact, a couple hundred of them — led by Service Unions International Union president Andy Stern

New York Times: AIG’s Chief’s Mission is to Save Executive Pay

According to the New York Times, “Robert Benmosche, chief executive of [AIG] since August, confirmed that he was “frustrated” about how long it was taking to devise an executive compensation plan that was “fair” but did not violate the restrictions the government has placed on

NOW on PBS: Elizabeth Warren on the Economy

What exactly is going on with the economy? Stocks are up and big bonuses are back, but while they’re throwing parties on Wall Street, there’s pain on Main Street. One out of every six workers is unemployed or underemployed, according to government statistics – the

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New York Times: Protection for Investors

The New York Times ran this prescient editorial in yesterday’s paper.  Here’s an excerpt: Another day, another test of Congress’s will to reform the financial system. The Investor Protection Act of 2009, which faces final votes on Wednesday in the House Financial Services Committee, would

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Roll Call: Coalition Battles Banking Lobby

Unions, Activists Unite on Reforms By Anna Palmer Roll Call Staff Nov. 4, 2009, 12 a.m. Watch out, banking lobbyists. Americans for Financial Reform believes it has your number.

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CNN: Are ‘Too Big To Fail’ Powers Just Too Big?

By Jennifer Liberto.  Excerpt: WASHINGTON ( — As Congress starts debating how to deal with financial firms deemed “too big too fail,” some lawmakers and advocates are worried about giving the executive branch expansive new powers over the financial sector. “Mr. Secretary, I’m not a