Category Archives: Financial Reform News

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JPMorgan CEO Seeks to Rewrite History, AFR Tells Prosecutors

First the government wheedled his company into buying Bear Stearns; then the government sued his company over the misdeeds of Bear Stearns – that’s JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon’s hard-luck story. Don’t buy it – that’s the message of an AFR letter to the co-chairs of

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Comment Letter on Stable Value Contracts

In a joint letter, AFR urges the SEC and CFTC not to exempt this common type of financial guarantee, which closely resembles a swap, from new derivatives rules.

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AFR in the News: Banks Say Regulators Should Rewrite Basel III Capital Rules

In a 181-page letter to federal regulators, the American Bankers Association, the Financial Services Roundtable, and the Securities Industry & Financial Markets Association take aim at a set of proposed rules intended to ensure compliance with new international capital standards. Regulators should have “conducted an

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Comment Letter on Basel III Regulatory Capital Rules

AFR commented on a set of banking agency proposals for implementing the initial Basel III rules for U.S. banks. These rules cover the definition of capital, base levels of capital for all banks, risk weighting, and exposure measurement. Upcoming rules will address capital charges for