Category Archives: Financial Reform News

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Financial Advisor Magazine: What Transaction-Tax Foes Don’t Say

This article posted on Financial Advisor Magazine’s website shows another side of the argument for a Financial Transaction Tax.  Here are a few of the notable statements from the article, including the leading paragraph: Opponents of one proposed Wall Street reform, a financial transaction tax,

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The Benefits of a Financial Transaction Tax

The Benefits of a Financial Transactions Tax A financial transaction tax is a tax placed on a specific type of financial transaction for a specific purpose. From the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR): The recent economic turmoil has generated renewed interest in a

Report: Main Street Businesses Support Wall Street Reforms

Survey finds small business owners support financial reforms, consumer protection agency ** Report posted online at ** Washington, DC – Today, the Main Street Alliance released a new report highlighting impacts of the financial crisis on small businesses and a snapshot of Main Street

Suze Orman: The Banks Don’t Want to Deal

Financial advisor Suze Orman spoke with CNN reporter Campbell Brown yesterday about stimulus money, mortgage relief, and the problems caused by the big banks. When asked about mortgages and the troubles faced by homeowners, Orman said “I have to tell you, while it’s easy for

Financial Reform Protest in Indiana is Picture Perfect

Grin and bear it?  Not a chance.  Consumers from around the city joined with activists from Americans for Financial Reform at Monument Circle in Indianapolis on January 19th to show Congress what they think about the need for financial reform legislation. Consumers posed in front

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AFR Response to Industry Arguments Against Financial Reform

The Chamber of Commerce is descending upon Capitol Hill today, intending to kill financial reform. Read AFR’s letter urging the Senate to reject the Chamber’s false rhetoric Read about how the Chamber represents CEO special interests, not Main Street Small Businesses AFR offers the following