Category Archives: CFPA Letters and Statements

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AFR Statement on the Derivatives and Overall Banking Legislation

For Immediate Release April 19, 2010 AFR Statement on the Derivatives and Overall Banking Legislation Heather Booth, Director, Americans for Financial Reform: “A year-and-a-half since the reckless behavior of the Big Banks took our economy to the edge of the abyss and cost 8 million

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Women Executives Supporting the Consumer Financial Protection Agency

Women Executives Push the Consumer Financial Protection Agency on the Hill Business Women Tell Senators the CFPA is Both Women Consumers and Business Women Washington, DC – On Tuesday March 2, 2010, a dozen senior women executives from Wall Street and major United States companies

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Business Organizations to Senate: Don’t Drop CFPA

Business Organizations to Senate: Don’t Drop Consumer Financial Protection Agency U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce, U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, S. Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce, American Made Alliance, Business for Shared Prosperity, Main Street Alliance, American Business Leaders for Financial Reform and Small

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AFR Response to Dodd’s Revised Proposal for Consumer Protection Agency

For Immediate Release February 28, 2010 Banking committee Chairman Dodd has prepared an outline setting out a revised proposal for a consumer protection agency. “We appreciate Chairman Dodd’s extensive efforts to secure bipartisan support for this critical part of the financial reform bill, but effective

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AFR: Strong And Independent CFPA Central To Real Financial Reform

Senate and Administration Cannot Let Big Bank Lobbyists Win By Stripping Out Or Watering Down CFPA Americans for Financial Reform, a coalition of more than 200 national, state and local consumer, labor, investor, civil rights, community, small business and senior citizen organizations, released the following statement

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Consumer Financial Protection Agency Would Build on Credit Card Reform Protections

Comprehensive Reforms Are Only Way to Ensure Stability in the Economy Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform released the following statement marking the full implementation the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act today. Ed Mierzwinski, Consumer Program Director, U.S. PIRG: “The Credit

Congressman Maffei: We Need a CFPA

Congressman Dan Meffei (D-NY) recently spoke up on behalf of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency and increased consumer protections in a radio interview with the Rochester-based station WXXI.  The report from the interview says: Maffei was in Rochester earlier this week, to promote new rules