Category Archives: Action Alerts

Take Action: Put the Banks on Notice

Wall Street banks threw our economy into crisis. Bailing them out cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars. It’s time to say enough, and send the banks a final notice. Since banks won’t rein themselves in, the government is going to have to do it. 

Move Your Money!

Financial reform activists from around the nation are fueling a new campaign that encourages consumers to “Move Your Money” from the big bailed-out banks to small local banks. Your accounts with the big Wall Street banks are unwittingly helping to fund the fight against reform. 

“Joy to the Banks” and Other Carols

This holiday season, sing your displeasure with big banks and the  way they wrecked the economy by joining in with these Bailout Carols (pdf) thanks to our friends at National People’s Action.  They’ve put together a few songs that reflect consumers’ displeasure with being left