AFR Members Confront Rep. Kirk in IL

On June 30, Representative Mark Kirk (R, IL) voted to block financial reform.  (See the vote tally here.)

On the 4th of July, AFR members positioned themselves along Rep. Kirk’s parade route in Elgin, Illinois, and changed “Shame” as he walked past.  One leader, Lynne Kelly (see photos below), confronted Rep. Kirk directly during the parade.

Press Release:

Local Residents to Challenge Representative Kirk’s Record at Elgin Parade

On July 3rd at 9:00 am, local families will gather at the Elgin 4th of July parade to highlight Representative Kirk’s desire to take away health care from families, obstruct critical financial reform legislation, and his general support for corporations over constituents.

“One of the main obstructionists in Congress is our own Mark Kirk” stated Siobhan Kolar, local Illinoisans for Financial Reform leader. “Despite the public persona that he is a “moderate that fights for people, not parties”, Representative Kirk continues to have one of the most conservative voting records in Congress.”

He regrets his support of global warming legislation, he has vowed to repeal the health care reform bill, and he attacks any regulations on major corporations. On July 3rd, residents will ask Representative Kirk to work for families, not corporations.