Editorials and Commentary


Consumer’s choice: GOP senators must end the roadblock to Cordray

Editorial, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 3/26/13

Bureau Keeps an Eye on Wall Street
Mary A. Huttlinger, Op Ed, Cincinnati Enquirer, 3/23/13

How Big Banks Can Cure Break-‘Em-Up Fever
Barbara A. Rehm, The American Banker, 3/21/13

Confirm Cordray
Editorial, Toledo Blade 3/21/13

New Consumer Watchdog Under Attack
Kevin DeMarrais, Bergen County Record, 3/20/13

Feds crack down on ‘discriminatory’ auto loans
Herb Weisbaum, NBC Today, 3/21/13

Cordray wins party-line approval in DC as consumer leader lauds his leadership
John Michael Spinelli, Examiner.com, 3/19/13

Senate Panel Gives Thumbs-Up To Confirming CFPB Director Cordray
Chris Morran, The Consumerist, 3/19/14

Are Bankers Making Peace with the CFPB?
Maria Aspan, American Banker, 3/15/13

Filibuster Wars, Again
Editorial, Washington Post, 3/16/13

Elizabeth Warren Has Consumers’ Backs
Editorial, The Republican, 3/17/13

CFPB’s Current Structure Is Best For Consumers
Before It’s News, 3/17/13

CFPB Needs Aid on Student Loans
Wilson Dizard, New York Post, 3/16/13

Consumer Watchdog Wants to Keep An Eye on Student Loan Business
Brandon Ballenger, Money Talks (Yahoo Finance), 3/15/13

The latest attack on needed financial reforms
Editorial, Boulder Daily Camera, 3/15/13

Ruling Ensures Minority Tyranny
Herman Schwartz, Politico, 3/12/13

The CFPB: Main Street’s Best Friend in Government
John Wasik, Forbes, 3/14/13

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau offers help with bank complaints
Clark Howard, Consumer Blog, 3/14/13

Jack and The Giant Bank
Alden Graves, Bennington Banner, 3/14/13

Reconfirm the consumer watchdog
Jim McCarthy and Vincent Curry, Cincinnati Enquirer, 3/13/13

Republicans Continue Praise Of Cordray, Criticism Of Bureau
M.L. Schultze, WOSU-TV, Columbus, 3/13/13

Confirm Cordray
Editorial, Cleveland Plain Dealer, 3/13/13

Cordial Nomination Hearing for Cordray, but GOP Doesn’t Budge on Opposition
Tom Curry, NBC News, 3/12/13

The latest attack on needed financial reforms
Editorial, Philadelphia Inquirer, 3/12/13

Why Are Republicans Blocking Richard Cordray at the CFPB?
Amy Traub, Demos Policy Shop, 3/12/13

10 reasons the Senate should confirm Richard Cordray and let the CFPB protect consumers from predatory banks
Teamster Nation, 3/12/13

5 Reasons Why Republicans Should Confirm Richard Cordray as CFPB Director
Bill Bartmann, Huffington Post, 3/11/13

Protect Consumers, Confirm Cordray
Jim McCarthy and Vincent Curry, Op Ed, Dayton Daily News, 3/11/13

Cordray, The Sequel
Editorial, Akron Beacon-Journal, 3/10/13

Portman making swing to the right
Joe Hallett, Op Ed, Columbus Dispatch, 3/10/13

Hey, Washington! You Still Owe Us a Complete Consumer Agency
Sheryl Harris, Cleveland Plain Dealer, 3/2/13

Watchdog Must Be Unleashed
Editorial, Philadelphia Inquirer, 2/22/13

Why Consumer Watchdog Agency Still Has No Chief
Herb Weisbaum, NBC News, 2/21/13

Credit Errors Point to Need for Watchdog
Editorial, Roanoke Times, 2/18/13

Senators are in a giant hole, yet they continue to dig
Jack Terry, Columbus Dispatch, 3/18/13

CFPB is the Law; Cordray-blocking should end
Letter to the Editor, Columbus Dispatch, 2/16/13

Presidents Need Recess Appointment Power
Editorial, Tampa Bay Times, 2/15/13

Confirming Cordray
Editorial, Akron Beacon-Journal, 2/10/13

Quietly Killing a Consumer Watchdog
Editorial, New York Times, 2/10/13

GOP Senators Obstructing the Consumer Protection Bureau Receive Loads Of Wall Street Donations
Pat Garofalo, ThinkProgress, 2/5/13

Obama Must Use Bully Pulpit 6o Save Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Editorial, New Jersey Star-Ledger, 2/5/13

Senators Pledging to Block Wall Street Watchdog Have Received $143 Million in Financial Industry Cash
Adam Smith, Public Campaign, 2/5/13

The Endless and Ironic Attacks on the CFPB
David Callahan, American Prospect, 1/16/13

Why the Republican CFPB Arguments Are Wrong
Mike Konczal, Roosevelt Institute, 2/5/13

Small Businesses Overwhelmingly Support Financial Reform, CFPB
Michael Lipsky, Demos Policy Shop, 2/5/13

Republicans Versus Consumers
Andrew Rosenthal, New York Times, 2/4/13

Friends of Fraud
Paul Krugman, New York Times, 2/3/13

In Appointment Ruling, Judges Take A Recess From Common Sense
Editorial, Washington Post, 2/1/13

GOP to Filibuster Obama’s Consumer Watchdog Pick
Adam Serwer, Mother Jones, 2/1/13

President Obama Is Right To Act When Congress Fakes A Recess
Editorial, The Republican (Springfield, Mass.), 1/30/13

One-Percent Justice: The Right’s War on Labor and Consumers Takes an Ugly Turn
Harold Meyerson, American Prospect, 1/29/13             

Richard Cordray Deserves to Lead the CFPB
Editorial, Bloomberg News, 1/28/13

Should Obama Pull a ‘W’ on the Obstructionist Assault?
Adam Levin, Huffington Post, 1/28/13