Tag Archives: Volcker Rule

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Letters to Regulators: Letter Urging FSOC to Take Action Against Stablecoin Issuers

AFREF led a letter urging the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) as the coordinating body for several regulatory agencies to imminently take action against the various misdeeds that may be conducted by the issuers of stablecoins. The letter explains that such urgency cannot be overstated given how quickly the market continues to grow, posing greater threats to the broader financial system.

A pair of hands writing on paper with a pen

Letters to Regulators: Federal Insurance Office Request for Information on the Insurance Sector and Climate-Related Financial Risks

AFREF sent a letter to the Treasury’s Federal Insurance Office (FIO) on how the agency can coordinate with state insurance regulators and insurers to have the necessary data, supervisory framework, and prudential regulation in a world where climate-related losses continue to rise and pose risks to the entire financial system. 

Event: Americans for Financial Reform Hosts a Conversation with Professor Art Wilmarth

AFR’s Senior Policy Analyst Renita Marcellin hosted a conversation with Professor Art Wilmarth, author of Taming the Megabanks: Why We Need a New Glass-Steagall Act. Professor Wilmarth discussed why structural protections, such as a modern Glass-Steagall Act and the separation between banking and commerce, are necessary in the banking system. They also examined how the erasure of these laws have led to many of the challenges we are currently facing in the financial system including ILCs/special purpose charters, the rise of Fintech firms, and stablecoins and highlighted the urgency of revisiting laws on structural separations in the banking system.

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Letters to Regulators: Letter to the SEC on Addressing Loopholes in Forms 13-F & 13-D Reporting

Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund and the Communication Workers of America sent a letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission urging that the Commission close critical loopholes and exemptions that currently exist in its Forms 13-F and 13-D reports that have been intentionally exploited by hedge fund investors. By doing so, hedge funds can no longer utilize derivatives and other complex financial instruments to build large positions and ambush the management of companies.