Tag Archives: Take On Wall Street

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TOWS in the News: Progressives revive attacks on Wall Street in health care’s wake (Washington Post)

“[A]s the seventh anniversary of the Dodd-Frank Act approaches Friday, a coalition of progressive groups is pushing the party to get back on offense. The groups… organized under the banner of ‘Take on Wall Street’ — aim to crank up grassroots heat on elected Democrats. They want party leaders, though deep in the minority, to revive some of the get-tough measures they campaigned on last year, when they expected to win at least the White House.”

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TOWS Statement: Make Wall Street Pay Its Fair Share in Taxes, Raise $1 Trillion in Federal Revenue

The Take On Wall Street campaign, a group of over 50 community groups, unions, consumer advocates and others today called on Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch to adopt tax reform measures that would raise more than $1 trillion in additional revenue, and discourage dangerous Wall Street speculation by requiring the financial services industry to pay its fair share of taxes.

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“Take on Wall Street” Statement: Time to Close an Egregious Loophole

“‘It’s hard to find a more egregious example of Wall Street billionaires rigging the rules for their own advantage than the carried interest loophole,’ said Jon Green, Campaign Manager for the Take on Wall Street campaign. ‘It is an outrageous and unfair benefit for the wealthy and powerful for no reason other than that they are wealthy and powerful. Every member of Congress should stand with Senator Baldwin and Representative Levin in supporting this bill.'”

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“Take on Wall Street” Statement: Wall Street Watchdogs Blast Banking Committee majority for approving Clayton to Head SEC

“Jay Clayton’s entire career of representing major Wall Street banks, advancing their interests at the expense of the public, helping them avoid accountability, stands in contradiction to the very mission of the agency he has been nominated to lead… Those who voted in favor of his appointment — both Democrats and Republicans –will have some explaining to do to constituents who are sick and tired of letting Wall Street continue rig the economy so all of the gains go to those at the very top.”