Tag Archives: SEC

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SEC Moves Forward on Municipal Finance Abuses

“For too many years, dealers and advisors in the municipal market have felt free to give self-serving advice designed to generate more profits for them at the expense of their clients… Properly implemented, [today’s rule] should curtail the abuse and provide enormous benefits for taxpayers and investors.”

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AFR Statement on SEC’s JOBS Act Rule

“Without real built-in investor-protection standards, we are seriously concerned that this rule will open the door to mass marketing of hedge funds and other risky and often illiquid ‘private’ securities in a market where abuses are common and SEC oversight is very limited. Fraud and abuse are not good for investors; they’re not good for capital markets, either.”

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AFR and Member Organizations Oppose HR 1062

AFR joined more than a dozen organizations in sending a letter to members of Congress urging that they oppose HR 1062, the “SEC Regulatory Accountability Act”. This legislation would imperil the implementation of many important financial regulatory rules by adding numerous unnecessary procedural requirements to rulemakings by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).