Tag Archives: retail

News Release: Prospect of Walgreens Acquisition by Sycamore Bodes Ill for Retailer

The possible acquisition of drugstore chain Walgreens risks writing a new chapter in the long-running saga of private equity’s looting of the American retail sector, a trend that has caused the loss of over half a million jobs, numerous bankruptcies, and extensive consolidation that leads to higher prices, lower quality for consumers, and more precarious conditions for workers.

News Release: New Study Documents Job Losses in Retail Due to Private Equity

Private equity pillaging of the retail industry has cost over half a million jobs amid over 18,000 store closures through February 2020, according to a new study, the first to examine job losses at the state level. The job losses occurred in every state, with more than 10,000 jobs lost in 20 states and more than 30,000 lost in California, Florida, and New York.

Blog Post: Wall Street’s Secret Pet Profiteering

More and more as we go about our lives, the money we spend is siphoned off to enrich Wall Street firms. Private equity’s pet profiteering is just one way these investors have taken over so much of the economy and our daily lives.

In The News: It’s Time for Congress to Do Something About the Economic Mess that Private Equity Giants Have Created (Business Insider)

Nobel laureate economist Joseph Stiglitz: “[A] recent study by groups including Americans for Financial Reform found that private-equity bankruptcies in the retail industry alone cost 600,000 jobs. One of those laid off, Giovanna De La Rosa, told of her experiences in this publication. The best outcome would be fewer bankruptcies, but when they happen, the welfare of workers needs to be at the top of the list, not at the bottom.”

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Report: Pirate Equity: How Wall Street Firms are Pillaging American Retail

New report revealing how in the last 10 years, a staggering 597,000 people working at retail companies owned by private equity firms and hedge funds have lost their jobs. An estimated additional 728,000 indirect jobs have been lost at suppliers and local businesses, meaning Wall Street’s gamble on retail has led to more than 1.3 million job losses in total.