Tag Archives: private equity

News Release: Private Equity Holdings in Fossil Fuels Spew Gigaton of Carbon Annually

The 2024 Private Equity Climate Risks Scorecard studied 21 private equity firms that manage $6 trillion worth of companies, and found that two-thirds of the energy companies in their portfolios are invested in fossil fuels, using hundreds of millions of dollars from pension funds. Their gigaton of carbon emissions is over three times as much as from the energy used to power all the homes in America and exceeds those of the global aviation industry.

New Poll Shows Voters Across Party Lines Want CFPB Action to Curb Junk Fees, Tame Wall Street

As the focus on the American voter intensifies with the coming election, a new poll released today shows voters across the political spectrum overwhelmingly support the mission of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), financial regulation generally, and a variety of specific CFPB actions, including efforts to limit credit card late fees, reduce overdraft charges, and prohibit medical debt from appearing on credit reports.

In The News: Court Loss Leaves SEC With Tough Choices in Private-Equity Reform Push (WSJ)

“The Fifth Circuit has once again sided with Wall Street and its private-equity billionaires to block reasonable protections for both the public interest and workers saving for retirement,” said Andrew Park, a senior policy analyst at Americans for Financial Reform, which advocates for tighter controls in the financial sector. “The Supreme Court needs to reverse this outrageous decision.”

News Release: Groups Call on Federal Agencies to Fight Private Equity Abuses in Health Care

Today over 90 organizations and individuals, representing patients, workers, communities; public interest advocates, and health care researchers, called on federal authorities, as part of their review of competition in health care, to take action to curb the abuses of private equity and safeguard the ability of doctors to deliver quality care to all patients and achieve equitable health outcomes.

Letters to the Regulators: Group response to Request for Information on Consolidation in Healthcare Markets

AFREF and 96 organizations and individuals concerned about the harmful impacts of transactions that affect consolidation in health care submitted comments responding to a Request For Information from the Department of Justice, Federal Trade Commission, and Department of Health & Human Services, calling for action to curb the abuses of private equity and safeguard the ability of doctors to deliver quality care to all patients and achieve equitable health outcomes.

Letters to the Regulators: AFREF response to Request for Information on Consolidation in Healthcare Markets

AFREF submitted its own comment in response to a Request For Information from the Department of Justice, Federal Trade Commission, and Department of Health & Human Services. The comment focuses on transactions by private equity (PE) funds which, by treating health care facilities and companies as financial instruments, have inflicted damage on health care businesses, communities, and individuals.

News Release: Landmark report reveals hidden fossil fuel portfolio of private equity titan KKR, finds major underreporting of climate emissions 

With over half a trillion dollars ($553 billion) in assets under management, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co (KKR) has emerged as a major financier in the energy sector, yet the firm is not required to disclose the full scope of its investments or its impact due to regulatory loopholes. A new report by Private Equity Climate Risks consortium members Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund and Global Energy Monitor, 93 Million: The Carbon Emissions KKR Didn’t Disclose, finds that KKR holds investments in 188 fossil fuel assets in 21 countries, spread among the firm’s ownership of 17 portfolio companies. 

News Release: New Staffing Standards for Nursing Homes Will Protect Healthcare Workers and Patients

New rules on minimum staffing in nursing homes will safeguard patients and health care workers by improving access to consistent and quality care, according to Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is setting a new comprehensive staffing requirement in its final rule on Minimum Staffing Standards for Long-Term Care (LTC) Facilities and Medicaid Institutional Payment Transparency Reporting.