Tag Archives: Investor protection and corporate governance

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AFR Letter Regarding Aiding and Abetting

April 22, 2010 Honorable Arlen Specter                                                  Honorable Jack Reed U.S Senate                                                                               U.S. Senate 711 Hart Senate Office Bldg.                                           728 Hart Senate Office Bldg Washington, DC  20510                                                    Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senators Specter and Reed: The undersigned organizations write to express our strong support

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AFR to the Senate: Investors Deserve Real Protection

Americans for Financial Reform sent the following letter to members of the Senate Banking Committee, urging them to create real protections for investors: February 16, 2010 Dear Chairman Dodd, Ranking Member Shelby and members of the Committee: As you know, legislative language is currently being

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AFR to Senator Dodd: Support Strong Reforms

February 1, 2010 The Honorable Christopher Dodd Chairman Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs 534 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C.  20510 Dear Senator Dodd: We are writing today to convey our strong support for comprehensive regulatory reform, and to reaffirm our view

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Kanjorski Amendment Letter of Support

Protect Investors from Accounting Fraud Vote YES on Kanjorski-Frank-Sarbanes-Cohen Amendment We are writing on behalf of vulnerable investors to urge you to support the Kanjorski-Frank-Sarbanes-Cohen amendment to preserve essential protections against accounting fraud.  Without this amendment, investors in roughly half of all public companies will

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Investor Protection Act Letter

October 26, 2009 The Honorable Barney Frank The Honorable Spencer BachusThe Honorable Paul E. Kanjorski The Honorable Scott Garrett RE:  October 1, 2009 Discussion Draft of the Investor Protection Act Dear Chairmen Frank and Kanjorski, Ranking Members Bachus and Garrett and Members of the Committee: