Tag Archives: Dodd-Frank

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New AFR Report: Where They Stand on Financial Reform

“Surveys show high levels of voter support for tougher rules; apart from the Senate’s confirmation of two notable regulatory officials, however, most of last year’s congressional votes on such matters were over efforts to reverse or water down reforms already enacted into law. And while some legislators resisted those efforts and continued to press for more industry accountability, many others – particularly in the House – threw their weight behind a series of proposals to weaken existing rules or to undermine the agencies charged with implementing them.”

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AFR in the News: The Fed Was Supposed to Rein in Its Bailout Powers. Instead It Did This.

“The 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law required the Fed to restrict its emergency lending powers so that too-big-to-fail banks don’t expect the central bank to dole out easy money again in the event of another financial crisis,” writes Erika Eichelberger of Mother Jones. Three years later, the Fed has come out with a draft rule that “misses the mark,” interpreting “the statute in ways that minimize limits on emergency lending authority.”

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AFR Statement on CFTC Funding in the FY 2015 Budget

“Refusing to adequately fund the CFTC is a backdoor attack on derivatives regulation. The agency needs the resources to meaningfully implement and enforce the new rules that Congress directed it to write. Those rules are essential to the mission of bringing basic standards of transparency and safety to markets that, left unchecked, were at the heart of the financial crisis that did so much damage to our economy.”

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Financial Reform – Key Piece of the Inequality Puzzle

“The President’s State of the Union address tonight will continue a conversation about the problem of growing inequality. If we are going to reverse the trend and set this country on a path toward broadly shared opportunity and prosperity, steps to rein in Wall Street excess and reshape the rules of the game for the financial system will need to have a prominent place on the To Do list.”

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AFR in the News: How Half of Wall Street Hopes to Evade Dodd-Frank

Half of the big Wall Street banks are using their foreign ownership to escape key provisions of Dodd-Frank. It wasn’t supposed to be that way. “Whether the foreign banking rule gets done is a big test,” Marcus Stanley, policy director at Americans for Financial Reform, told the New York Times, adding: “Considering the number of problems with American banks that have occurred in London subsidiaries, I would appreciate seeing the Europeans raise the bar for foreign operations of American banks. That would be a win for the American taxpayer.’”

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AFR Statement on Final Approval of Volcker Rule

“After years of consideration, the five agencies charged with implementing the Volcker Rule have reached agreement. This is an important step forward in financial reform. The final rule reflects hard work by champions of the rule within the regulatory agencies, the Administration, Congress, and the public-interest community… [But] today’s approval is only one step toward realizing the promise of the Volcker Rule.”