Tag Archives: Congress

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AFR in the News: Dodd-Frank Rollback Bill Advances in Senate (ThinkAdvisor)

“Americans for Financial Reform stated that the bill is ‘fundamentally misconceived: while its proponents claim to be focused on the needs of small community banks, the substance of the bill reads more like a deregulatory wish list for big banks and other large financial players.’ AFR stated that a ‘disturbing number of lawmakers are once again willing to act as shills for Wall Street and its discredited deregulatory agenda,’ adding that it’s ‘unlikely that this dangerous bill or anything like it will become law.’”

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Letter to Congress: AFR, 23 Organizations Oppose Chairman Shelby’s “Financial Regulatory Improvement Act of 2015”

“On behalf of Americans for Financial Reform and the undersigned organizations, we are writing to express our opposition to Chairman Shelby’s draft legislation, “The Financial Regulatory Improvement Act of 2015.”… While there are a number of reasonable proposals within this lengthy bill, the legislation as a whole contains numerous provisions that would unacceptably weaken consumer and financial protections.”

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Letter to Congress: AFR, 53 Organizations Urge Congress to Reject Legislation that Would Weaken the CFPB

“The undersigned organizations write to urge the Appropriations Committees to reject all proposals to weaken the powers and funding of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB or bureau). In particular, the Committee must oppose any proposals that would limit, delay or remove the authority of the CFPB to take action on the use of pre-dispute binding mandatory (or forced) arbitration in consumer financial contracts under its jurisdiction. “

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AFR Statement on Senator Shelby’s Draft Bill

“Senator Shelby’s 216-page draft legislation makes sweeping changes that would significantly weaken key financial reforms passed in direct response to the events of the 2007-2009 financial crisis. It puts the wish list of the financial sector above protecting the stability of the US economy, and the safety of mortgage markets and of homebuyers. “