Tag Archives: CFTC

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AFR Comment Letter: CFTC Derivatives Rules Must Apply to Foreign Affiliates

AFR submitted a comment letter to the CFTC regarding a rule that will determine whether the CFTC can regulate derivatives trading by foreign affiliates of US banks and corporations. Since derivatives trades move easily around the world and between affiliates and the parent company, it is important that US regulators be able to apply Dodd-Frank to such foreign trades. Our letter urged the CFTC not to let financial institutions escape derivatives rules by funneling transactions through their foreign affiliates.

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AFR Statement on CFTC Guidance on Cross Border Derivatives

AFR Statement Regarding CFTC Guidance On Cross Border Derivatives On Friday June 29th the CFTC released a critical guidance on cross border derivatives transactions. This guidance makes clear the Commission’s intention to ensure that foreign affiliates of U.S. banks comply with the new derivatives protections

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AFR Letter: Oppose H.R. 1840

AFR sent a letter to members of Congress urging them to oppose H.R. 1840, legislation that unnecessarily adds over a dozen additional requirements to the already existing statutory cost-benefit requirements for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). These requirements would effectively paralyze the agency’s rule writing capacity, and make it impossible for the CFTC to implement laws passed by Congress to safeguard our financial system.