Tag Archives: CFPB

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AFR Statement: Congressional Move Is a Sellout to Payday Loansharks

“Attempts to roll back this protection for consumers are nothing more than a sellout to the predatory payday lenders who want to continue to enrich themselves by trapping people in a painful cycle of debt. Congress should reject this and other attempts by payday lenders to undo a common sense rule based on the common sense principle of ability to repay.”

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AFR in the News: Scary thought: Trump now gets to pick the country’s top consumer watchdog (LA Times)

“Trump and Republican lawmakers have long characterized Cordray as an enemy of the people — a bureaucrat run amok, imposing his autocratic will on gentle, kindhearted businesses that only want to compete freely and fairly for people’s patronage… ‘And people who don’t understand what the bureau does might believe that,’ said Lisa Donner, executive director of Americans for Financial Reform. ‘But if you describe the bureau’s work to people… they overwhelmingly support it.'”