Tag Archives: CFPB

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News Release: Ahead Of Kraninger Hearing, Advocates Demand To Know Why CFPB Is Attacking Consumer Protections

Today, CFPB Director Kathy Kraninger is set to testify in front of the House Financial Services Committee, marking her first oversight hearing since being narrowly confirmed last December. Kraninger will now have to answer to a new chair, Rep. Maxine Waters, and a majority that is demanding answers to why the agency has sided with the industry over consumers.

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Joint Letter: Specific Recommendations To Protect Consumers Through Ongoing Rulemaking On Debt Collection

As we approach the fifth year anniversary of the proposed rulemaking on debt collection, and the regulatory process appears to be moving forward, the 74 undersigned consumer, community, civil rights, faith, labor and legal services groups write to urge the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“Consumer Bureau”) to focus on protecting consumers from abusive debt collection practices in any rule that it issues.