Letters to Congress: Letter to Nancy Pelosi Making it Clear that the President does have the Authority to Cancel Student Debt
AFR joined a letter to Speaker Pelosi making it clear that the President does have the authority to cancel student debt.
AFR joined a letter to Speaker Pelosi making it clear that the President does have the authority to cancel student debt.
AFREF sent a letter to the Department of Education calling for several topics to protect borrowers in the upcoming negotiated rulemaking, and also urging the Department to administratively cancel student debt.
AFR joined a letter calling on President Biden to extend the pause on student loan payments until the
Administration has delivered on its promises made to student loan borrowers to fix the broken
student loan system and cancel federal student debt.
400 organizations signed a letter to President Biden and Vice President Harris, calling on them to use executive authority to cancel federal student debt immediately. The letter, first sent in November and then again in January, has been updated with more than 70 additional signers.
In the discourse surrounding student debt cancellation, some pundits and lawmakers have consistently missed the mark on the benefits this policy will bring. Too many have ignored the very serious ways that student debt is a disproportionate burden on women borrowers, and Black women with student debt in particular.
Americans for Financial Reform joined a letter to the Biden administration highlighting the critical budget-related items that would help consumers in any upcoming Covid legislation. The letter urged President Biden to halt garnishment and offset certain tax refunds, fund a Housing Assistance Fund and housing counseling, and cancel student debt.
We applaud Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Elizabeth Warren’s Resolution calling on the Trump Administration to cancel student debt. Cancelling student debt will provide both immediate financial relief to millions of Americans, and crucial economic stimulus for everyone during this protracted crisis — boosting GDP and job creation at a time of intense labor shocks and economic contraction.
Over 100 organizations sent a letter to House and Senate leadership urging them to include student debt cancellation in the next coronavirus package.
The 43 million federal student loan borrowers are not getting meaningful relief from the CARES Act. It leaves an estimated 9 millions of federal student loan borrowers without any relief at all, does not guarantee that borrowers won’t face large principals when they return to repayment, and doesn’t include cancelling student debt, a move that both provides crucial relief to distressed borrowers and stimulates a fast-contracting economy.
The McConnell Phase 3 #COVID19 bill offers only minor tweaks for some federal student loan borrowers. Even with those tweaks, the bill fails to address the enormity of the pending economic crisis. The economic dam is about to burst and McConnell is offering student loan borrowers nothing but a deflated, leaky life vest.