Tag Archives: Auto Lending

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AFR: Avoid CFPA Carve Outs

May 6, 2010 The Honorable Harry Reid The Capitol, S-221 Washington, DC 20050 Dear Senator Reid: As members of Americans for Financial Reform, a coalition of more than 250 consumer, labor, investor, community, civil rights and business groups, we write to you today to ask

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Fact Sheet: Auto Dealers are Lenders

Car Dealers Are Lenders/Creditors When the Consumer Gets both the Car and the Financing from the Dealer See this PDF for an example of a car loan. For the millions of consumers who get both the vehicle and financing at the dealership, auto dealers are “creditors.”

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Fact Sheet: No Carve-Outs for Auto Dealers

Auto dealers are heading to Capitol Hill seeking a special carve-out from the “Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010” (S. 3217), which aims to put an end to the reckless practices of Wall Street and the abusive and discriminatory tactics by finance companies of

NPR: Bill Exempts Auto Dealers From Agency Oversight

NPR’s Morning Edition ran this story about the exemption for auto dealers in the Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA). AFR opposes this exemption, and belives auto dealers should be overseen by the CFPA. (The CFPA would be created by H.R. 4173, the Wall Street Reform

Why Auto Dealers Should Not Be Exempted From the CFPA

The National Association of Consumer Advocates (NACA) explains why auto dealers must be covered by the Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA). Download this information as a PDF. While the vehicles themselves have never been better, predatory auto sales and financing practices have never been worse.

No Exemption for Auto Dealers Under the CFPA

Americans for Financial Reform and our partners sent this letter (PDF) to Senators Dodd and Shelby this week regarding the need to treat auto dealers the same as other lenders under the CFPA: On behalf of our organizations we commend the Chairman’s introduction of a