Search Results for: polling

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Policy Materials

AFR STATEMENTS CONGRESSIONAL VOTING RECORDS LETTERS TO CONGRESS LETTERS TO REGULATORS RESPONSES TO CFPB RFI’S SPEECHES AND REMARKS FACT SHEETS AND REPORTS Who is Behind the Curtain? Breaking Down Trade Associations that Fight Tenants and Hurt Housing Affordability (June 2024) 93 Million: The Carbon Emissions

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New Poll Shows Strong Support for Wall Street Reform

WALL STREET REFORM POLLING MEMO See below a new polling memo from Benenson Strategy Group on the strong support for Wall Street Reform. TO:                   Interested Parties FROM:              Joel Benenson RE:                   American Support for Wall Street Reform DATE:               June 28, 2010 Americans show strong support for

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Polls Show Voters Support Financial Reform

With Congress finishing up work on Wall Street reform, it’s clear the high ground is with those supporting strong reform.  Read about actions supporting financial reform across the country here. 53% of Americans want their Congressional candidate to support reforming Wall Street, 25% enthusiastically so.

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Accidental Hunt Brothers: $344 Million Buys A Lot Of Loopholes

Cross posted from The Accidental Hunt Brothers December 10, 2009 by Adam The world financial system nearly melted down in 2008. This was a result of the interlocking web of exposures between major financial institutions caused by the unregulated and completely opaque over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives

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Reuters: US House begins assembly of financial reform plan

Americans for Financial Reform was mentioned in this article from Reuters.  Excerpt: An umbrella group of consumer, community and civil rights groups, Americans for Financial Reform, said there was broad support for the proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency and to regulate financial derivatives. The group