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AFR Coalition Partners Highlight Loan Modifications

Organized by Americans for Financial Reform and their coalition partners, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) and PICO National Network, held a press conference today highlighting testimony from homeowners whose lenders continue to drag their feet performing loan modifications, despite the Administration’s plan

Support the Fight to get Elizabeth Warren Nominated: Donate

Americans for Financial Reform has been fighting for over a year to fix our economy, protect consumers, and prevent another economic meltdown.  Now, we’re turning our attention to getting the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau off to the powerful start it needs by supporting Professor Elizabeth

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CNN: New consumer protection agency meets resistance

By Jessica Yellin CNN National Political Correspondent WASHINGTON (CNN) — If you hold a credit card, mortgage or a student loan, Congress is considering a new agency designed to give you a lot more protection. Congress is considering a new agency designed to give consumers

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Contact Your Representative

To find out who your Representative is and how to contact him/her, go to this site. Write, email or call your Member of Congress and tell him or her: “I support the creation of a new agency – one that’s accountable to the public, and