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Coalition Letter to Rep. Frank

October 8, 2009 The Honorable Barney Frank Chairman Committee on Financial Services United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 Re: School Loan Exemption in H.R. 3126 Consumer Financial Protection Agency Dear Chairman Frank: Thank you for your leadership in advancing legislation to create a

Coalition Urges Congress to Take on Big Banks and Protect Consumers

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Doug Gordon, 202-822-5200 DATE: October 7, 2009 Americans for Financial Reform: Congress Needs To Take On Big Banks, Protect Consumers Draft Legislative Language On Derivatives Is Not Enough; All Transaction Need to Be Transparent Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform

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Washington Post: Battle Waged Over Consumer Agency

click here for link Thursday, October 1, 2009 For more than three hours Wednesday, supporters and opponents of a new federal agency that would oversee mortgages, credit cards and other consumer financial products dug deeper into their trenches in Room 2128 of the Rayburn House

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The New York Times: Reforming the Financial System

The New York Times ran this excellent editorial on September 13, 2009. Here’s an excerpt explaining the need for a strong Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA): CONSUMER PROTECTIONThe financial crisis would have been less severe — or largely avoided — if regulators had curbed abusive